The run starts approx. 990 metres from 'Torgalmenningen', the main square in the City Centre (see map below).
How to get there?
Start from 'Den blå stein' (the Blue Stone) at the southern end of 'Torgalmenningen', the main square in the City Centre. Walk in a northerly direction towards the harbour and Fish Market. Having passed the Fish Market, walk approx. 150 metres in the direction of 'Bryggen' (the old wharf) before crossing the main road. Head up 'Nikolaikirkealmenningen' and turn left at the crossroads. Cross the road and after approx. 220 metres having passed the oldest building in Bergen, 'Mariakirken' (St. Mary's Church), head up the hill on the right hand side and the hare's abode is the largish grey building on the left.
Link to map showing the walk from the City Centre (1) to the hare's abode (2).
The starting point seen from the air on Google Earth.
If you know a BH3 hasher, you can contact him/her for information. You can find contact information (e-mail addresses) to some mis-management members on a few of our web pages. You will need to be a member of our Facebook group to communicate with us via this channel.