Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

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Picture of Knobby Dick Knobby Dick
Home kennel: BH3
Status: Dropout
First BH3 run: #1095 - 30 October 2013
BH3 runs: 11

11) 19 Nov 2014 1164 ParadisComes Every Time's 600th run
10) 10 Sep 2014 1151 Storevannet
9) 3 Sep 2014 1150 Fløyfjellet
8) 27 Aug 2014 1149 IngersvatnetSwedish Mistress' and Guinea Pig's 50th run
7) 28 May 2014 1129 Gamlehaugen
6) 21 May 2014 1128 NygårdshøydenHash Cock's 50th run
5) 9 Apr 2014 1122 Storhaugen
4) 26 Feb 2014 1116 Nesttun
3) 22 Jan 2014 1109 Strandgaten
2) 15 Jan 2014 1108 FjellveienHara Kari's 50th run
1) 30 Oct 2013 1095 Danmarksplass

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