Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

Picture of Golden Clipper Golden Clipper
Home kennel: BH3
Status: Dropout
First BH3 run: #50 - 20 September 1997
BH3 runs: 144
Hare: 26

This is a special version of the runs list and ONLY includes runs from Killer Hill Weekends!

144) 28 May 2006 601 Grimseid10th Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run
143) 27 May 2006 600 Lyderhorn10th Killer Hill Weekend - Deep Throat's 300th run
142) 26 May 2006 599 Sverresborg10th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl and Pump Me's 100th run
140) 21 May 2005 541 Løvstakken9th Killer Hill Weekend
124) 29 May 2004 471 Fløyfjellet8th Killer Hill Weekend
106) 24 May 2003 406 Ulriken7th Killer Hill Weekend - Pump Me's 69th run
105) 23 May 2003 405 Sandviken7th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl
87) 26 May 2002 343 Alvøen6th Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run
86) 25 May 2002 342 Sandviksfjellet6th Killer Hill Weekend
85) 24 May 2002 341 Bergen City Centre6th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl - Joint BH3-Scandihooligan Run
60) 19 May 2001 271 Damsgårdsfjellet5th Killer Hill Weekend
59) 18 May 2001 270 Bergen City Centre5th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl
33) 20 May 2000 208 Rundemanen4th Killer Hill Weekend
32) 19 May 2000 207 Bergen City Centre4th Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl and Mata Hari's 50th run
16) 16 May 1999 144 Bellevue3rd Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run
15) 15 May 1999 143 Lyderhorn3rd Killer Hill Weekend
14) 14 May 1999 142 Bergen City Centre3rd Killer Hill Weekend - Pub Crawl and Smokie's 100th run
6) 24 May 1998 84 Møhlenpris2nd Killer Hill Weekend - Hangover run and Smokie's 69th run
5) 23 May 1998 83 Løvstakken2nd Killer Hill Weekend

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