Trash display - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Trash display

Shortcuts to the True Trail

Run #1212 - Wednesday 26 August 2015
  • Destination: Skansen
  • Hare: Bubbles
  • In the pack: Foggy Glasses, Abominator, Flasher, Dr Butt, Deep Throat, Camp Toilet, Muff Diver, Flip-Flop, Hara Kari, Guinea Pig, Bambi, Check Me Out, Teacher's Pet, Horse Pegasus, Little White Bus and Wet Finger
  • Your scribe: Foggy Glasses

A normal summer day, damp and fresh, saw a medium sized pack turn up for the run. We were informed that as the weather was damp the hare had laid a short(ish) run with two drink stops. There was also a walkers option. We had just got into our stride when we hit the first dink stop at Vaagen Pub. From there the trail took us up to Skansen where the runners continued up to Fjellveien and the walkers headed straight for the second drink stop at Huset Pub. After a double drink stop (for some) the trail took us back to the ON-INN, circle and excellent nosh, prepared by Mrs Bubbles, washed down with beer and some single malt Whisky.
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