Trash display - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Trash display

Shortcuts to the True Trail

Run #184 - Wednesday 5 January 2000
  • Destination: Eidsvågsneset
  • Hares: Backtracker and Beer Stop
  • In the pack: Abominator, Dr Butt, Foggy Glasses and Smokie
  • Your scribe: Beer Stop

Well, on with it...

This beautiful, warm winter day, what seemed to be the biggest pack ever set out on the trail laid by Backtracker (BT) and Beer Stop (BS). We started from BT's castle (A Windsor Castle lookalike except BT's castle is much bigger.) The pack, consistent of a mixture of 150 beautiful blondes, brunettes and redheads (very zealous to please BS in every way he needed), and in addition a couple of miserable looking guys making it a grand total of 155 hashers. We started running along the road paved with gold, while the gentle mild breeze playfully and helpfully pushed us in our backs along the trail. After what felt just like minutes (actually it was 2h46m61s) in to the run a check were called, and a big truck filled with cool beers, and some of the finest single malts waited for us. Everybody drank their beers and whisky, while BS was pampered by the blondes, and when his needs where taken care of, we shouted ON-ON and of we went. This time we started running upwards to the forest where the hares had got the Highways Department in Bergen to chop down trees to make a good track to run on. While we ran upwards we were joined by a couple of mountain goats, a golden eagle hovered above our heads, Bambi, two penguins, a lion and a rather misplaced and muddleheaded blue whale, whom for the love of God couldn't understand what the fuck he was doing there, how he got there, who that beautiful brunette was, and how the hell he could explain this to his wife. Anyway... after running up to 1200m above sea level in one stretch, we came to another checkpoint along the shore of a big lake. After the whole gang was together again a rumble was heard from above, scaring the shit out of the golden eagle. It was the chopper bringing the cool beers, and some of the finest single malts (again), and (again) everybody drank their beers and whisky, while BS was pampered by the brunettes until his needs was taken care of. Then ON-ON was once again shouted and in to the woods we ran, while butterflies whirl around us, bear cubs playfully nibbling on our legs, and one motherfucker of a mean, angry, pre-menstrual mama bear, or maybe just horny as hell (abominator was there) started chasing us. But have no fear, Foggy was there ... He turned around, faced the bear, flexed his pinky toe muscle, and stretched his arms back into his rucksack and pulled out the mother of all candle lights. If it was the smell from his armpits, or the sight of the candle, we don't know, but the bear stopped dead in its track, turned around and ran like hell back in to the woods. After this incident, we continued into the woods, running on a firm, dry path. Suddenly someone shouted "DRINK-STOP", and we stood before a cave, chiseled out mere minutes ago by BT & BS, and inside were a big bar, built by BT & BS, with everything a hashers heart desired (in terms of liquors and beers) carried up there by BT & BS. Everybody drank their beers and whisky, while BS was pampered by the redheads, and when his needs where taken care of, we shouted ON-ON and of we went. Luckily for us a gentle rain started falling from the sky, cooling of our sweaty bodies as we ran down a dried up river course. Finally, we came back to BT's castle, where Jives, his butler greeted us in the door. We went in to the dining hall, were we was served an 18,386 course dinner, and everybody drank their beers and whisky, while BS was pampered by the blondes, brunettes and redheads until his needs was taken care of.
D-D's: BT & BS for the best run ever (That's all you need to know)
Grub: Delicious stuff
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