Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

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Picture of Bendover Bendover
Home kennel: AH3
Status: Visitor
First BH3 run: #1130 - 29 May 2014
BH3 runs: 9

9) 13 Sep 2015 1218 Ålvik6th Kjepso Hash - Hangover run
8) 12 Sep 2015 1217 Kjepsostølen6th Kjepso Hash
7) 30 May 2015 1197 Damsgårdsfjellet19th Killer Hill - Little White Bus' 50th run
6) 29 May 2015 1196 Nordnes19th Killer Hill - Pub Crawl
5) 28 May 2015 1195 Bryggen4th Red Dress Run - Coming With Turtles' 50th run
4) 1 Jun 2014 1133 Grimseid18th Killer Hill - Hangover run and Boomerang's 50th run
3) 31 May 2014 1132 Rundemanen18th Killer Hill
2) 30 May 2014 1131 Nordnes18th Killer Hill - Pub Crawl
1) 29 May 2014 1130 Bergen City Centre3rd Red Dress Run

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