Join us on a run - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Join us on a run

Shortcuts to the True Trail

A typical BH3 run can last up to 2 hours or longer if we have multiple drink-stops. We usually only lay one trail, which is cunningly laid to cater for both walkers and runners.

After the run, the Hare supplies condiments for the circle and provides a light supper for the pack. We no longer have a Beer Master, so on regular runs, Hashers bring their own beer for after-run drinking.

Hashers can choose to pay an annual membership fee of NOK 800, which covers the nosh and booze served at the Christmas and A.G.M. runs. Hashers who decide not to pay the yearly membership fee, are charged a fee to cover nosh and booze served at these runs. Please note that only hashers who have paid the yearly membership fee can vote at the A.G.M. All proceeds go to BH3 and are used to sponsor some of our activities.

The Hare charges NOK 50++ to cover any after-run nosh and beer for the circle. If the hare supplies mobile drink stop(s), a small fee in addition to the nosh fee will be charged. Hashers pay for their own beer at pub drink stops.

We might be difficult to get hold of, especially during the summer break (between mid-June and mid-August) and around Christmas and New Year. We do not have a single point of contact and e-mails or SMS' sent directly to members might go unnoticed and unanswered during these periods.

We run every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Most runs start from the hare's abode, so we do not have a regular meeting point. Hares usually post details about runs on our closed Facebook group a few days before the day of the run.

Sometimes, information about the starting point for the run is posted on the receding hare line page (red markers).

If you wish to run with us or you would like some more information:
  • You could try to contact our GM (details linked to the two icons to the right of the GM's name): CLICK for contact info

If you do not get any response, you can try to:

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