All home and some away events - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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All home and some away events

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Click the tabs below for Past events, EVENTS THIS YEAR and Future events. ALL BH3 events and special runs and a few international events for discerning BH3 travellers, are included.

Check this page for links to other runs.

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
8 - 10 MayInterhash 2026

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
29 JanA.G.M. 2025
22 - 23 Mar19th Ski hash
29 May12th Red Dress run
30 May - 1 Jun27th Killer Hill Weekend 
9 - 10 AugScuba Hash - Herand

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
24 Jan2024 A.G.M.
9 - 10 Mar18th Ski Hash
23 May11th Red Dress Run
24 - 26 May26th Killer Hill Weekend
31 May - 2 JunBelgian Nash Hash 2024
5 - 7 JulMH3 Anniversary
10 AugScuba Hash 2024
21 - 22 Sep16th Mjølfjell Hash weekend
14 DecChristmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
21 - 22 Jan17th Ski Hash
25 Jan2023 A.G.M
25 May10th Red Dress Run
26 - 28 MayKiller Hill 2023
12 AugScuba Hash 2023
23 - 24 SepMjølfjell Hash 2023
1 - 3 DecONH3 Xmas Weekend
16 DecChristmas Run 2023

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
18 Mar2022 A.G.M.
26 May9th Red Dress run
27 - 29 May24th Killer Hill
17 - 19 JunSwiss Nash Hash 2022
8 - 10 JulDutch Nash Hash 2022
13 - 14 AugScuba Hash 2022
24 - 25 Sep14th Mjølfjell Hash weekend
4 - 6 NovFrankfurt Vineyard Hash ReBorn (#27)
2 - 4 DecONH3 Xmas Weekend
17 Dec27th Christmas Run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
29 MayCorona Hill Run
2 Jun2021 A.G.M.
30 Jul - 1 AugSwiss Nash Hash
13 - 14 Aug20th Scuba Hash
19 - 22 AugEuroHash 2021
4 - 5 Sep13th Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
18 Dec26th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
22 Jan2020 A.G.M.
5 - 8 MarTallinn in the Ice
7 - 14 MarVH3 Ski Week
30 MayCorona Hill Run
13 JunSotra Picnic Run
10 - 12 JulGerman Nash Hash
22 - 23 Aug19th Scuba Hash
28 - 30 AugSwiss Nash Hash
26 - 27 Sep12th Mjølfjell Hash
19 Dec25th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
23 Jan2019 A.G.M.
9 - 15 FebVH3 Ski Week
28 Feb - 4 MarPhilippines Nash Hash
7 - 10 MarPalawan Hash Bash
9 - 10 Mar16th Ski Hash
22 - 24 MarOslo H3 Ski Hash
12 - 14 AprBelgian Nash Hash
3 - 5 MayIrish Nash Hash
3 - 5 May1000th Baku H3 Weekend
17 - 19 MayInterscandi 2019
23 May8th Red Dress Run
24 - 26 May23rd Killer Hill
31 May - 2 JunVienna H3 2000 runs
14 - 16 JunMH3 7th Anniversary
4 AugBergen Bunker H3 7th run
9 - 11 AugDutch Nash Hash 2019
10 - 11 Aug18th Scuba Hash
14 - 18 AugEurohash 2019
23 - 26 AugUK Nash Hash 2019
30 Aug - 1 SepSwiss Nash Hash
30 Aug - 1 SepGerman Nash Hash
21 - 22 Sep11th Mjølfjell Hash
3 - 11 OctVineyard Hash
7 - 10 NovPanAsia 2019
13 - 18 NovMekong Indochina 2019
29 Nov - 1 DecONH3 Xmas Weekend
14 Dec24th Christmas Run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
31 Jan2018 A.G.M.
1 - 4 Mar22nd Hole in the Ice
10 - 17 MarVH3 Ski Week
13 - 15 AprBelgian Nash Hash
28 - 29 Apr15th Ski Hash
10 - 13 MayThird Annual Montenegrin Nash Hash
11 - 13 MayHolyland H3 25th Anniversary
24 May7th Red Dress run
25 - 27 MayInterhash 2018
25 - 27 May22nd Killer Hill
8 - 10 JunBrighton H3 40th Anniv
15 - 17 JunSwiss Nash Hash
22 - 24 JunMH3 6th Anniversary
29 Jun - 1 JulDutch Nash Hash
27 - 29 JulUK Full Moon Nash Hash
17 - 18 Aug17th Scuba Hash
24 - 26 AugGerman Nash Hash
24 - 26 Aug2018 Island Hash Weekend
14 - 16 SepMother Hash 80 years
15 - 16 Sep10th Mjølfjell Hash
21 - 23 SepMekong Hash 2018
5 - 7 OctScandiJock Hash Weekend
31 OctHalloween run
1 - 3 NovHashemite H3 run 2222
30 Nov - 2 DecONH3 Xmas Weekend
15 Dec23rd Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
18 Jan2017 A.G.M.
3 - 5 FebZurich H3 Winterfest
3 - 5 MarHole In The Ice Weekend
4 - 11 MarVH3 Ski Week
25 - 26 Mar14th Ski Hash
31 Mar - 2 AprBelgian Nash Hash
28 - 30 AprStuttgart Festhash
28 - 30 AprNeptunus 25 Years Hashing
19 - 21 MayPoznan H3 re-errection
25 May6th Red Dress run
26 - 28 May21st Killer Hill
9 - 11 JunOslo H3 1500th Run
17 - 18 Jun16th Scuba Hash
23 - 25 JunMH3 5th Anniversary
29 Jun - 3 JulThe Sloppy Vltava Eurohash Pre-Lube
30 Jun - 2 JulFrankfurt H3 30th anniversary
2 - 5 JulBlue Danube Cruise
7 - 9 JulEurohash 2017
11 - 14 JulVineyard Hash #25
18 - 20 AugInterscandi 2017
25 - 28 AugUK Nash Hash 2017
1 - 4 SepSembach End of Summer Hash
15 - 17 SepSwiss Nash Hash 2017
23 - 24 Sep9th Mjølfjell Hash
27 - 29 OctPan Asia Hash 2017
28 Oct21st Anniversary-ish run
10 - 12 NovGerman Nash Hash
1 - 3 DecONH3 X-mas Weekend
16 Dec22nd Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
22 - 24 Jan2016 AGPU
27 Jan2016 A.G.M.
10 FebG's Memorial Run
13 - 20 FebVH3 Ski Week
27 - 28 Feb13th Ski Hash
4 - 6 MarOH3 Ski Hash
11 - 13 Mar19th Hole in the Ice
22 - 24 Apr500th Anniversary "Reinheitsgebot"
22 - 24 AprBelgian Nash Hash
14 - 15 MayÅrhus H3 run #1600
19 May5th Red Dress run
20 - 22 May20th Killer Hill
20 - 22 MayInterHash 2016
17 - 19 JunGerman Nash Hash 2016
24 - 26 JunMH3 4th Anniversary
8 - 10 JulDanish Nash Hash 2016
29 - 31 JulSwiss Nash Hash
6 - 7 Aug15th Scuba Hash
9 - 11 SepDutch Nash Hash 2016
9 - 11 SepSembach E.O.S. 2016
29 OctBH3 20th Anniversary Happening
2 - 4 DecONH3 Xmas Weekend
17 Dec21st Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
28 Jan2015 A.G.M.
11 FebG's Memorial Run
28 Feb - 7 MarVH3 Ski Week
6 - 8 MarHole In The Ice
21 - 22 Mar12th Ski Hash
8 - 10 MayDutch Nash Hash
28 May4th Red Dress Run
29 - 31 May19th Killer Hill
29 - 31 MayGerman Nash Hash
5 - 7 JunInterScandi 2015
12 - 14 JunONH3 25th Anniversary
19 - 21 JunMH3 3rd Anniversary
17 - 19 JulEuroHash 2015
14 - 16 Aug24th Swiss Nash Hash
28 - 30 Aug18th UK Nash Hash
29 - 30 Aug14th Scuba Hash
12 - 13 Sep6th Kjepso Hash
5 - 8 NovVinyard Hash #23
4 - 6 DecONH3 Xmas Weekend
12 Dec20th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
29 Jan2014 A.G.M.
22 - 23 Feb11th Ski Hash Weekend
28 Feb - 2 MarHole in the Ice
13 - 16 MarInterHash 2014
21 - 23 MarOH3 Skihash 2014
29 May3rd Red Dress Run
30 May - 1 Jun18th Killer Hill 
6 - 8 JunDanish Nash Hash
13 - 15 JunOH3 25th Year Anniversary
20 - 22 JunManchester H3 2nd Anniversary
18 - 20 JulDutch Nash Hash
18 - 20 JulSwiss Nash Hash
25 - 27 JulBrussels Beer Odyssey
9 - 10 Aug13th Scuba Hash
22 - 24 AugGerman Nash Hash
22 - 24 AugNewcastle H3 20th Anniversary
29 - 31 AugAarhus Festival Hash
13 - 14 Sep5th Kjepso Hash
11 OctFoggy Glasses' 1000th run with BH3
24 - 26 Oct2000th Run Weekend
5 - 7 DecONH3 Xmas Weekend
13 Dec19th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
18 - 20 Jan25 Years of AGPU
30 Jan2013 A.G.M.
8 - 10 MarHole in the Ice
3 - 5 MayInterscandic Hash 2013
12 MayThe Norwegian Run
23 May2nd Red Dress Run
24 - 26 May17th Killer Hill
2 Jun5th BBH3 run
6 - 9 JunKuli Hash Weekend
7 Jun6th BBH3 run
21 - 23 JunManchester H3 1st Anniversary
5 - 7 JulGerman Nash Hash
3 - 4 Aug12th Scuba Hash Weekend
3 AugMealticket Memorial Run
16 - 18 AugEuroHash 2013
23 - 25 AugSwiss Nash Hash
23 - 25 AugUK Nash Hash
14 - 15 Sep4th Kjepso Hash Weekend
2 - 6 OctVineyard Hash
5 - 6 OctDouble Birthday Hash Bash
11 - 13 OctFreezing in Frogland
1 - 3 NovBerZuBa Köniz
23 NovWannaBH3 ONH3 Xmas pre-lube
29 Nov - 1 DecONH3 Xmas run 2013
14 Dec18th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
1 Feb2012 A.G.M.
8 FebG's memorial run
9 - 11 MarHole-in-the-Ice
16 - 18 MarSpa-Skihash 2012, Nordseter, Norway
16 - 18 MarZürich H3 666 run, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
7 - 8 Apr10th Ski Hash Weekend
21 AprExtra run
27 - 29 AprVindobona H3 30 Years Celebration
4 - 6 May1st Belgian BH3 Weekend
18 - 20 MayThe Great Hash Migration, Mombasa, Kenya
24 May1st Red Dress Run
25 - 27 May16th Killer Hill
25 - 27 MayInterhash 2012, Borobudur, Indonesia
23 JunManchester H3 inaugural run
29 Jun - 1 JulDutch Nash Hash
27 - 29 JulScandi-Jock Weak End the Fifth
3 - 5 AugGerman Nash Hash
11 - 12 Aug11th Scuba Hash Weekend
17 - 19 AugSwiss Nash Hash
7 - 9 SepDanish Nash Hash #3
22 - 23 Sep3rd Kjepso Hash Weekend
28 - 30 SepMünich H3 Oktoberfest
5 - 7 OctPoznan H3 1st Foundation Anniversary
26 - 28 OctBerZuBa 2012
30 Nov - 2 DecONH3 Christmas weekend
15 - 16 Dec17th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
26 Jan2011 A.G.M.
9 FebG's Memorial Run
4 - 5 MarSnow Hash, Lebanon
11 - 13 MarHole in the Ice Weekend, Helsinki, Finland
12 - 13 Mar8th Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
25 - 27 MarOslo H3 Ski-hash, Nordseter, Norway
8 - 10 AprZürich H3 600th run
23 - 24 Apr9th Ski Hash Weekend
29 Apr - 1 MayAberdeen H3 1500th run
29 Apr - 1 MayLondon H3 2000th run
20 - 22 MayBelgian Nash Hash
27 - 29 MayWinery Tour Weekend, Lebanon
27 - 29 MayEurohash 2011,The Netherlands
28 - 29 May10th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
3 - 5 Jun15th Killer Hill Weekend
10 - 12 JunNewcastle H3 1000th run, Northumberland, UK
10 - 12 JunVindobona H3 1500th Hash Weekend
11 - 28 JunVodka Train 2011
24 - 26 JunScandihooligans 20th Aniversary Run
24 - 26 JunInterScandi 2011, Dublin, Ireland
1 - 3 JulSwiss Nash Hash
29 - 31 JulStavanger H3 Tallship Race Weekend
13 - 14 Aug10th Scuba Hash Weekend
19 - 21 AugGerman Nash Hash,Trier, Germany
2 - 5 SepScandiJock #4, Islay, Scotland
17 - 18 Sep2nd Kjepso Hash weekend
14 - 16 OctPoznan H3 1st Run Weekend
22 - 23 OctFlensburg Octoberfest 2011
2 - 4 DecONH3 Christmas Weekend
17 - 18 Dec16th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
27 Jan2010 A.G.M.
10 FebG's memorial run
26 - 28 FebSnow Hash 2010, Beirut
5 - 7 MarOslo H3 Ski Hash, Sjursjøen
12 - 14 MarHole in the Ice Weekend
3 - 4 Apr8th Ski Hash Weekend
9 - 11 AprBelgian Nash Hash
1 - 13 MayINTERCOCK2010 and a trip around the Caucasus
21 - 23 May14th Killer Hill Weekend
12 - 13 Jun9th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
18 - 20 Jun30th ONH3 Anniversary
2 - 4 JulSarawak Rainforest Interhash 2010, Borneo
23 - 25 JulSwiss Nash Hash
8 Aug4th Bergen Bunker H3 run
14 - 15 Aug9th Scuba Hash Weekend
20 - 22 AugOslo Hash #1111
20 - 22 AugONH3 1000th Run Weekend
3 - 5 SepStavanger Hash House Harriers run #1
10 - 12 SepGerman Nash Hash, Friedrichshafen, Germany
24 - 26 Sep18th Oktoberfest Hash Weekend, Munich, Germany
1 - 10 OctLevant Hash10-10-10
3 - 5 DecONH3 Christmas Weekend
18 - 19 Dec15th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
28 Jan2009 A.G.M.
11 FebG's memorial run
27 Feb - 1 MarHole in the Ice Reunion
11 - 12 Apr7th Ski Hash Weekend
22 - 24 MayEurohash, Antalya, Turkey
29 - 31 May13th Killer Hill Weekend
20 - 21 Jun8th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
26 - 28 JunInterScandi, Harstad, Norway
7 - 9 AugDanish Nash Hash
15 - 16 Aug8th Scuba Hash Weekend
4 - 6 SepSwiss Nash Hash
5 - 6 Sep1st Kjepso Hash Weekend
25 - 27 SepOktoberfest 2009
14 - 23 OctBlue Danube H3 Cruise 2009
4 - 6 DecONH3 Christmas Weekend
12 Dec14th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
23 Jan2008 A.G.M.
13 FebG's memorial run
8 - 9 MarCombined 6th Ski and 7th Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
21 - 23 MarInterhash 2008
23 - 25 May12th Killer Hill Weekend
30 May - 1 JunBelgian Nash Hash
1 JunBergen Bunker H3 run #2
7 - 8 Jun7th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
1 - 3 AugSwiss Nash Hash 2008
8 - 10 Aug1st Danish Nash Hash
9 - 10 Aug7th Scuba Hash Weekend
15 - 17 AugNewcastle H3 800th run
30 NovBergen Bunker H3 run #3
5 - 7 DecONH3 Christmas Weekend Cut Tree Run
12 - 14 DecOslo H3 1000th run
13 - 14 Dec13th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
17 Jan2007 A.G.M.
24 - 25 MarCombined 5th Ski and 6th Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
17 - 20 MayNashHash Sweden
25 - 27 May11th Killer Hill Weekend
2 - 3 Jun6th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
22 - 24 JunInterscandi
13 - 15 JulEurohash, London, UK
11 - 12 Aug6th Scuba Hash Weekend
17 - 19 AugWanking Viking Weekend
24 - 26 AugSwiss Nash Hash
17 Nov700th Run
30 Nov - 2 DecONH3 Christmas Weekend
15 - 16 Dec12th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
13 Jan2006 A.G.M.
3 - 5 Mar2006 Snow Hash, Lebanon
3 - 5 MarHole-In-The-Ice, Finland
5 - 7 MayÅrhus H3 1000th Run
26 - 28 May10th Killer Hill Weekend
10 - 11 Jun5th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
23 - 25 JunMidnight Sun Run, Harstad
19 - 20 Aug5th Scuba Hash Weekend
25 - 27 AugSwiss NashHash
8 Sep10th Anniversary Run
22 - 24 SepFrench NashHash
27 - 29 OctInterhash Chiang Mai
1 - 3 DecOdense-Nyborg H3 Christmas run and party
16 - 17 Dec11th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
26 Jan2005 A.G.M.
12 - 13 Mar4th Ski Hash Weekend
7 - 8 May4th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
20 - 22 May9th Killer Hill Weekend
18 - 19 Jun4th Scuba Hash Weekend
15 - 17 JulInterscandi, Stockholm, Sweden
12 - 14 AugEurohash, Heemskerk, The Netherlands
2 - 4 DecOdense-Nyborg H3 Christmas run and party, Denmark
10 - 11 Dec10th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
21 Jan2004 A.G.M.
27 - 29 FebHole-In-the-Ice, Helsinki, Finland
27 - 28 Mar3rd Ski Hash Weekend
28 - 30 May8th Killer Hill Weekend
17 - 18 Jul3rd Bjorøy Hash Weekend
23 - 25 JulInterHash 2004 in Cardiff
21 - 22 Aug3rd Scuba Hash Weekend
27 - 29 AugOdense-Nyborg H3 700th Run, Siøvej 7, Nyborg, Denmark
18 - 20 Sep5th BH3 Mjølfjell Weekend
16 - 17 Oct500th Run Weekend
18 - 19 Dec9th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
22 Jan2003 A.G.M.
5 - 6 Apr2nd Ski Hash Weekend
7 May400th run
10 - 11 May2nd Bjorøy Hash Weekend
23 - 25 May7th Killer Hill Weekend
28 - 29 Jun2nd Scuba Hash Weekend
15 - 17 AugEurohash, Denmark
20 - 21 Sep4th Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
26 - 28 SepNewcastle H3's 500th run
5 - 7 DecOdense-Nyborg H3 Christmas run and party
13 - 14 Dec8th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
16 Jan2002 A.G.M.
8 - 10 Mar1st Ski Hash Weekend
16 MarSt. Patrick Day's Run
11 - 12 May1st Bjorøy Hash Weekend
24 - 26 May6th Killer Hill Weekend
31 JulGispert Hashy Birthday Hash
17 - 18 Aug1st Scuba Hash Weekend
31 Aug - 1 SepScandihooligan run #144
6 - 8 DecOdense-Nyborg H3 Christmas weekend
8 DecJoint BH3/ONH3/ÅH3 run
14 - 15 Dec7th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
17 Jan2001 A.G.M.
5 - 6 May3rd Bømlo Hash Weekend
18 - 20 May5th Killer Hill Weekend
24 - 26 Aug3rd Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
30 Nov - 1 DecONH3 Christmas run
1 - 2 DecOut-station run in Denmark
8 - 9 Dec6th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
19 Jan2000 A.G.M.
5 FebExtra run for visitors from Oslo H3
15 - 16 Apr2nd Bømlo Hash Weekend
19 - 21 May4th Killer Hill Weekend
22 - 24 Sep2nd Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
20 Oct2nd North Sea run with Out-station run in North Shields
1 - 2 DecOdense-Nyborg H3 Christmas weekend
16 - 17 Dec5th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
22 Jan1st North Sea run with Out-station run in North Shields
10 Feb1999 A.G.M.
17 - 18 Apr1st Bømlo Hash Weekend
14 - 16 May3rd Killer Hill Weekend
11 - 13 Jun1st Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
9 Sep'All-the-Nines' run
3 - 4 DecONH3 Christmas run and party
11 - 12 Dec4th Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
7 Jan1998 A.G.M. (estimated)
23 - 24 May2nd Killer Hill Weekend
29 - 30 Aug100th run Weekend
4 - 5 DecOdense-Nyborg H3 Christmas weekend
11 Dec3rd Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
15 Jan1997 A.G.M. (estimated)
26 - 27 Apr1st Killer Hill Weekend
19 Dec2nd Christmas run

DateBH3 eventsEvents for BH3 travellers
4 Sep1996 A.G.M. (estimated)
11 Dec1st Christmas run
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