Event photo album - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Event photo album

Shortcuts to the True Trail

The slideshow below displays 12 randomly selected pictures taken (mostly) by Foggy Glasses.
Click HERE to access ALL 60 pictures from the event

Event: 3rd Killer Hill Weekend * 14th - 16th May 1999
Trails: CLICK for details
Runs: #142 #143 #144
Trash: #142 #144
Mountain: Fly over Lyderhorn (396 m.a.s.l. - 1,299 ft.) using Google Earth

Due to some very creative marketing, an incredible amount of hashers took part on this year's Killer Hill. After the run we had intended to have a football match before the party proper, but Fungus *MURDERED* the football by kicking it under a bus. He was probably paid by our visitors to do this as they probably didn't have the stomach to play a football match with the BH3 Lions! So we returned to Creepy's abode and partied well into the early morning (until we ran out of beer). This is probably why so many Hashers turned up in time for the hangover stroll the following morning.

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