Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

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Picture of Just Elisabeth Just Elisabeth
Home kennel: BH3
Status: Dropout
First BH3 run: #952 - 17 September 2011
BH3 runs: 15
Hare: 11 (including 2 non-run)

15) 13 Sep 2015 1218 Ålvik6th Kjepso Hash - Hangover run
14) 12 Sep 2015 1217 Kjepsostølen6th Kjepso Hash
13) 31 Dec 2014 1171 NordnesGuinea Pig's 69th run
12) 14 Sep 2014 1153 Ålvik5th Kjepso Hash - Hangover run
11) 13 Sep 2014 1152 Kjepsostølen5th Kjepso Hash
10) 15 Sep 2013 1088 Kjepso4th Kjepso Hash Weekend - Hangover run
9) 14 Sep 2013 1087 Kjepso4th Kjepso Hash Weekend
8) 4 Aug 2013 1080 Vardøy12th Scuba Hash Weekend - Hangover run
7) 3 Aug 2013 1079 Oddane12th Scuba Hash Weekend
6) 23 Sep 2012 1023 Kjepso3rd Kjepso Hash Weekend - Hangover run
5) 22 Sep 2012 1022 Kjepsostølen3rd Kjepso Hash Weekend
4) 12 Aug 2012 1015 Vardøy11th Scuba Hash Weekend - Hangover run and Taliban's 50th run
3) 11 Aug 2012 1014 Oddane11th Scuba Hash Weekend
2) 18 Sep 2011 953 Kjepso2nd Kjepso Hash weekend - Hangover run
1) 17 Sep 2011 952 Kjepsostølen2nd Kjepso Hash weekend

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