Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

Picture of Trudger Trudger
Home kennel: BH3
Status: Dropout
First BH3 run: #341 - 24 May 2002
BH3 runs: 226
Hare: 37
Positions: Sweeper #842 - #1300
 Religious Adviser #906 - #975
 Recruitment Master #1176 - #1239

This is a special version of the runs list and ONLY includes runs from Red Dress runs!

224) 19 May 2016 1258 Bergenhus5th Red Dress run
215) 28 May 2015 1195 Bryggen4th Red Dress Run - Coming With Turtles' 50th run
196) 29 May 2014 1130 Bergen City Centre3rd Red Dress Run
171) 23 May 2013 1061 Vågen2nd Red Dress Run

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