Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

Picture of Headless Headless
Home kennel: BH3
Status: Lazy member
First BH3 run: #1341 - 6 September 2017
BH3 runs: 202
Hare: 22
Nonstop runs: 109 runs in a row between #1404 and #1512
28 runs in a row between #1363 and #1390
Positions: Religious Adviser #1429 - #1565
 Recruitment Master #1429 - #1565
 Masseur #1492 - #1565

This is a special version of the runs list and ONLY includes runs from Scuba Hash Weekends!

171) 23 Aug 2020 1524 Bjorøy19th Scuba Hash - Hangover run and Semi Virtual Reality
170) 22 Aug 2020 1523 Bjorøy19th Scuba Hash - Dr Butt's 900th run
125) 11 Aug 2019 1464 Bjorøy18th Scuba Hash - Hangover run
124) 10 Aug 2019 1463 Bjorøy18th Scuba Hash
64) 18 Aug 2018 1402 Bjorøy17th Scuba Hash - Hangover run
63) 17 Aug 2018 1401 Bjorøy17th Scuba Hash

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