Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

Picture of Dr Butt Dr Butt
Home kennel: BH3
Status: Member
* P.k.a.: Butterfly
First BH3 run: #1 - 4 September 1996
BH3 runs: 1114
Hare: 91
Nonstop runs: 17 runs in a row between #1583 and #1599
16 runs in a row between #1556 and #1571
Positions: Hash Cash #1 - #186
 Ice Mistress #648 - #1366
 Hash Cash #976 - #1044
(* P.k.a. = Previously known as)

This is a special version of the runs list and ONLY includes runs from Bjorøy Hash Weekends!

607) 29 May 2011 929 Bjorøy10th Bjorøy Hash Weekend - Hangover run
606) 28 May 2011 928 Bjorøy10th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
564) 13 Jun 2010 868 Bjorøy9th Bjorøy Hash Weekend - Hangover run
563) 12 Jun 2010 867 Bjorøy9th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
520) 21 Jun 2009 803 Bjorøy8th Bjorøy Hash Weekend - Hangover run
483) 8 Jun 2008 738 Bjorøy7th Bjorøy Hash Weekend - Hangover run
482) 7 Jun 2008 737 Bjorøy7th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
450) 3 Jun 2007 673 Bjorøy6th Bjorøy Hash Weekend - Hangover run
449) 2 Jun 2007 672 Bjorøy6th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
416) 11 Jun 2006 607 Bjorøy5th Bjorøy Hash Weekend - Hangover run and Abominator's 500th run
415) 10 Jun 2006 606 Bjorøy5th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
374) 8 May 2005 537 Bjorøy4th Bjorøy Hash Weekend - Hangover run
373) 7 May 2005 536 Bjorøy4th Bjorøy Hash Weekend
341) 18 Jul 2004 481 Bjorøy3rd Bjorøy Hash Weekend - Hangover run
340) 17 Jul 2004 480 Tysøy3rd Bjorøy Hash Weekend
289) 11 May 2003 402 Bjorøy2nd Bjorøy Hash Weekend - Hangover run
288) 10 May 2003 401 Bjorøy2nd Bjorøy Hash Weekend
249) 12 May 2002 338 Bjorøy1st Bjorøy Hash Weekend - Hangover run
248) 11 May 2002 337 Bjorøy1st Bjorøy Hash Weekend - Flasher's 69th run

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