Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

Picture of Abominator Abominator
Home kennel: BH3
Status: Member
First BH3 run: #1 - 4 September 1996
BH3 runs: 1435
Hare: 228
Nonstop runs: 32 runs in a row between #773 and #804
29 runs in a row between #645 and #673
Positions: Masseur #1566 - #1787
 Haber Hasher #1 - #186
 Grand Master #1 - #905
 Masseur #906 - #1110

This is a special version of the runs list and ONLY includes runs from Mjølfjell Hash Weekends!

1329) 25 Sep 2022 1648 Mjølfjell14th Mjølfjell Hash weekend - Hangover run
1328) 24 Sep 2022 1647 Mjølfjell14th Mjølfjell Hash weekend - Comes Every Time's 1000th run
1270) 4 Sep 2021 1581 Mjølfjell13th Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
1172) 16 Sep 2018 1408 Mjølfjell10th Mjølfjell Hash - Hangover run
1171) 15 Sep 2018 1407 Mjølbotn10th Mjølfjell Hash - Mata Hari's 500th run
799) 13 Mar 2011 913 Mjølfjell8th Mjølfjell Hash Weekend - Hangover run
798) 12 Mar 2011 912 Mjølfjell8th Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
569) 25 Mar 2007 658 MjølfjellCombined 5th Ski and 6th Mjølfjell Hash Weekend - Hangover run
568) 24 Mar 2007 657 MjølfjellCombined 5th Ski and 6th Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
205) 23 Sep 2000 229 Mjølfjell2nd Mjølfjell Hash Weekend
204) 22 Sep 2000 228 Mjølfjell2nd Mjølfjell Hash Weekend - Dog Handler's 100th run

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