Hasher's detailed statistics - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Hasher's detailed statistics

Picture of Camp Toilet Camp Toilet
Home kennel: BH3
Status: Member
First BH3 run: #583 - 25 January 2006
BH3 runs: 655
Hare: 42
Nonstop runs: 17 runs in a row between #1236 and #1252
14 runs in a row between #1068 and #1081
Positions: Hash Horn #1045 - #1110
 Song Master #1111 - #1175
 Hash Cash #1111 - #1428

This is a special version of the runs list and ONLY includes runs from Mjølfjell Hash Weekends!

645) 22 Sep 2024 1773 Mjølfjell16th Mjølfjell Hash weekend - Hangover run 2024
644) 22 Sep 2024 1772 Mjølfjell16th Mjølfjell Hash weekend - Naked Night Train Run
643) 21 Sep 2024 1771 Mjølfjell16th Mjølfjell Hash weekend
580) 25 Sep 2022 1648 Mjølfjell14th Mjølfjell Hash weekend - Hangover run
579) 24 Sep 2022 1647 Mjølfjell14th Mjølfjell Hash weekend - Comes Every Time's 1000th run
527) 22 Sep 2019 1472 Rundavatnet11th Mjølfjell Hash - Hangover run
526) 21 Sep 2019 1471 Mjølfjell11th Mjølfjell Hash
488) 16 Sep 2018 1408 Mjølfjell10th Mjølfjell Hash - Hangover run
487) 15 Sep 2018 1407 Mjølbotn10th Mjølfjell Hash - Mata Hari's 500th run
445) 24 Sep 2017 1345 Slondalen9th Mjølfjell Hash - Hangover run
444) 23 Sep 2017 1344 Mjølfjell9th Mjølfjell Hash

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