Trash display - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Trash display

Shortcuts to the True Trail

Run #1239 - Wednesday 27 January 2016
  • Destination: Storetveit
  • Hares: Flasher and Groupie
  • In the pack: Foggy Glasses, Abominator, Dr Butt, Comes Every Time, Deep Throat, Mata Hari, Camp Toilet, Bubbles, Muff Diver, Flip-Flop, Hara Kari, Guinea Pig, Bambi, Check Me Out, Hash Cock, Teacher's Pet, Horse Pegasus, Little White Bus and Kangooclit
  • Pooches: Wee Fighting Bitch and Just Bajaz
  • Your scribe: Foggy Glasses

Run #1239 was also the 2016 A.G.M. A biggish sized pack turned up at the G.M.'s abode, that is to say; one Harriette got completely lost and turned up somewhere around the G.M.'s old abode. As it was in the vicinity, the pack was not too delayed setting off.

The G.M. had promised a short run because the A.G.M. agenda was quite long. Both runner and walker trails were on offer. The runners, led by a couple of blind FRBs, passed the drink stop without even noticing it but made it back before all the beer was drunk up. Back at the ON INN, the walkers trail was 2.2 km and runners trail 4.3 km.

One hasher was celebrated with an upside-down down-down in the circle having completed 69 runs with BH3.

The nosh and wine served for the A.G.M. dinner was superb. Afterwards the A.G.M. was completed without any drama: accounts presented and accepted, dates for BH3 weekends set, mismanagement elected and tasks for the up-cummin' Killer Hill settled.
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