BH3 in the public eye
Shortcuts to the True Trail
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JUNE 2023
Someone noticed the hare laying the trail for run #1694 and posted a warning on a local Facebook group to warn people of the possibility that someone might be trying to poison cats and dogs!
Postscript: A link to the BH3 web site was later posted on the Facebook group to calm the flustered locals!
In Bandit Country - On run #1369 we were noticed by the locals, as was the case when we were in the same area on run #1222. The following day there was a theft from a house and the local sheriff and Nordhordaland, a local newspaper, reported that gangs had marked houses worth breaking into by drawing strange markings on the roads in the area (article in Norwegian only).
Postscript: Later, the local sheriff and newspaper were informed who we are. The newspaper requested some pictures from the run and ran a follow-up article explaining everything (in Norwegian only). A similar article was published in another local newspaper, Bergens Avisen, a few days later.
A journalist and two photographers from Bergen Student TV joined us on run #1154. This resulted in an article and documentary the following day. Check it out HERE (in Norwegian only)!
The 18th Killer Hill Weekend (2014) was featured in a twelve page article in the Harrier Magazine.
MARCH 2012
A journalist and photographer from a local newspaper, Bergens Tidende, joined us on run #980. This resulted in a two-page article in the Sunday edition the following week. This article was also published on the Web, check it out HERE (in Norwegian only)!
JUNE 2009
A journalist cum photographer from another local newspaper, Bergens Avisen, joined us on run #801. This resulted in a two-page article in the Wednesday supplement the following week. This article was never published on the Web, so there is no LINK to it.
BH3 was featured in three articles in a local newspaper (Bergens Tidende) in connection with the anthrax (white powder) scare in October 2001, when someone phoned the police having found the trail markings on run #299. This resulted in Danmarksplass (part of Bergen) being closed off while the fire brigade hosed down the whole area. This was duly reported in the local newspaper the following day! Our GM contacted the police to explain what had happened and they were not amused! A journalist and photographer from the newspaper documented our run #300 in a follow-up article. The police banned all use of flour and gave us red paint to use instead! They also insisted on sanctioning the runs but after a while they probably got tired of all the extra paperwork involved and told us to go away and stop bothering them. The three articles on the newspaper's Web site have long since disappeared, but are still to be found in an Internet archive (in Norwegian):
- Run #299: 'White powder' alarm seals off part of Bergen for several hours
- Run #299: Mystery solved: BH3 contacts the police and explains
- Run #300: The police forbid us to use flour and give us red paint instead

MAY 1999
Before BH3's presence was well established on the web, requests for information about BH3 were (sometimes) posted under 'Kunngjøringer' (announcements) in local newspapers.
JUNE 1998
Not even the Norwegian national football team playing in a World Cup match is enough to stop us running on Wednesdays, as was reported in a local newspaper (Bergens Tidende), when a journalist and photographer bumped into us leaving the drink stop on run #87. This was duly noted in an article the following day.

The text reads: 'BERGEN HASH-HOUSE HARRIERS RUN FOR FUN social running club with drinking problem. Not for serious runners. Runs every Wednesday at 7 p.m.'