Trash display - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Trash display

Shortcuts to the True Trail

Run #132 - Wednesday 24 March 1999
  • Destination: Nygårdshøyden
  • Hare: Yogi
  • In the pack: Abominator, Dr Butt, Bubba, Backtracker, Foggy Glasses, Creepy Crawly and Just Robin
  • Your scribe: Just Robin

It was a dark and gloomy night ...

Three mysteriously looking men were sitting in a corner in a pub with a dubious reputation, trying not to look suspicious. At exactly 18:39, the three men rose from their seats, gave a nod to the beautiful waitress at the bar and found their way to the rendezvous-point where they met with the remaining party. The group of six men and two women; Abominator, Dr Butt, Yogi, Bubba, Backtracker, Foggy, Creepy and Robin, did not exchange any superfluous words. They all knew their tasks and were ready to shed blood, sweat and tears to fulfil their engagement. Their mission was simple: find the hidden track and stay on it no matter what happened. After a brief interlude, they were on! The track was easy at first; it went in and out of the alleys that are found all over Nordnes. After running for about six minutes, the party became aware that the track was leading directly towards a drink-stop. Could it be true? Only seven minutes of running and a drink-stop already? This had to be a new record. Well, a Hasher has got to do what a Hasher has got to do, so the majority of the crowd did their duty. After a couple of minutes the hares of the day, Yogi and Bubba, appeared in the door. "What are you doing here?" Yogi exclaimed. "You weren't supposed to stop for at least 15 minutes!" "Dodgy markings" muttered Creepy and had a sip of his beer. "Well, you better stay here a while, because I have to lay the rest of the track!" Yogi replied and went out into the darkness again.

After a while, the rest of the pack tried to follow his pale markings on the wet pavement. The trail led them on a laborious journey through the city, up Fjellsiden and down again, until they came to stop at Fisketorget. The track had mysteriously disappeared! The only trace was an empty bag of flour on a litterbin. Everybody went searching to get back on the trail again, but it was gone. The party decided that the best thing to do was to go straight to the ON-INN. After gathering outside Yogi & Bubba's house, the mystery was solved; Yogi had run out of flour! Was he fishing for a down-down? If that was the case, he got what he wanted... Abominator and Yogi both received tin cups for 100 runs, and everybody paid homage to Abominator with flour and beer. However, something fishy was going on... After 100 runs, it is custom to relax on a block of ice while having your down-down, but no ice was in sight. "All right" said Foggy, "I think we have a traitor amongst us..." "OK, OK I confess", said Dr Butt "I deliberately forgot to bring the ice because I didn't want to freeze my assets". "Good thinking Hash Cash" said Abominator and hurried indoors.
Run summary
Not the best, not the worst
Hash Nosh summary
Hot-dogs and a delicious, nutritious salad
Down-downsReason for down-downs
YogiHare: Dodgy and missing markings
Abominator & Creepy CrawlyRacing (as usual)
AbominatorToo many runs (100)
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