Trash display - The Safe Haven for Bergen Hash House Harriers

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Trash display

Shortcuts to the True Trail

Run #1353 - Wednesday 8 November 2017
  • Destination: Haltejohansvika
  • Hare: Camp Toilet
  • In the pack: Foggy Glasses, Abominator, Mata Hari, Bubbles, Muff Diver, Hara Kari, Guinea Pig, Bambi, Teacher's Pet, Hash Cock, Nutz and Viking Vixen
  • Pooches: Man Eater and Wannabe Poodle
  • Your scribe: Bubbles

Run #1353 was 7.8K in the northern parts of the Bergen region, and with a little bit of virgin territory. Ah, yes - the hare was of course the one and only Camp Toilet, while Nutz helped with the nosh ...

The caption on the image showing the trail is wrong: reads 'BH3 #1348' - should read 'BH3 #1353'
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