The weather was fantastic (too hot for someone), but the run was rather tedious (as was pointed out throughout the duration of the run by certain hasher - Foggy Glasses in particular. The trail was uninventive and restricted to path's and roads accessible to the hashmobile (hash horror transport). The trail set off toward Nordnesparken and went round Nøstet towards Nygårdsparken. It was not as long as Abominator would have liked and Nygårdsparken was not quite reached. Through the botanical gardens and out on Villa Vei the pack thought a drink stop was near (Foggy Glasses had moaned continuously for a beer stop). Rather than stop at the usual haunt the run went straight past Bergen Gjestgiveri (sadists) back towards Nordnes. The drink stop finally happened at Finnegans (Too close to the ON-INN most thought).
Hash Nosh summary Barbecue at Dr. Butt's abode |
Down-downs | Reason for down-downs |
Foggy Glasses | ?????? |
Someone else | ?????? |